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bluetooth security中文是什么意思

用"bluetooth security"造句"bluetooth security"怎么读"bluetooth security" in a sentence


  • 安全驱动


  • Application of cryptographic algorithm in bluetooth security mechanism
  • Bluetooth security fixes - no longer asks for file confirmations with paired devices
    蓝牙安?拚? ?不再提示成对设备之间的文件操作确认。
  • Bluetooth security fixes - no longer asks for file confirmations with paired devices
    蓝牙安全修正。 -不再提示成对设备之间的文件操作确认。
  • Then architecture and design of bluetooth security are studied , and some advises on bluetooth security are also be set forth
  • Some advantages and weakness of bluetooth security and improving measures are also studied primarily based on others researches at last
  • The initialisation key is the first security gate in bluetooth security system , if the initialisation key is got by attacker , the attacker will get the common link key by continue listening the communication . if the common link key is known by others , the two device is no secret before he . the third party can not only listen the two device ' s communication but also assert him one party to authenticate the other . pairing at place where less people here will reduce the attack . to use long pin managed by diffie - hellman key exchange algorithm will also reduce the attack
  • In chapter 2 , the security measures and mechanism are introduced and studied . it mainly includes authentication , encryption , pairing / bonding , key management defined by bluetooth core protocol , three security modes defined by bluetooth profile and bluetooth security architecture defined by bluetooth white paper . in chapter 3 , the implementation of secure services in bluetooth environment is studied deeply according to different scenarios
    在第二部分,本文阐述了蓝牙技术中的安全机制和各种具体措施,主要包括蓝牙标准对直接链路层的安全标准定义如鉴权、加密、配对/ bonding 、密钥管理等,蓝牙应用规范中给出的三种安全模式以及蓝牙安全标准白皮书的安全体系结构。
  • The thesis is organized as below : in chapter 1 , the background knowledge is given which is needed for study on bluetooth security mechanism and implementation . first bluetooth technology is overviewed including its develop history , radio interface , physical links , interference , network topology , core protocol , etc . next communication security is introduced according to the model of network security architecture from osi . finally some primary cryptographic techniques are discussed based on symmetric encryption , asymmetric encryption and advanced encryption standard published years ago
    本文研究了利用蓝牙技术提供各种安全服务和实现的课题,并通过一些具体实现的实例进行阐述,具体安排如下:在第一部分,本文首先回顾了蓝牙技术及发展情况,主要包括蓝牙发展简史、蓝牙标准的射频接口、物理链路、干扰情况、网络拓扑结构以及核心协议等;然后介绍了通信安全的基础知识,讨论了osi系统中的四层网络安全结构模型;最后给出了各种加密技术的基本理论,包括对称加密体制如des和blowfish 、非对称加密体制( rsa公钥算法、数字签名和身份证明等)以及新一代的高级加密标准( advancedencryptionstandard , aes )等。
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